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CAVE 19 (460-465 A.D.)

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The main images are the trikala buddhas. The seated Sakyamuni in the main cave is 16.8 metres high, the second largest in the Yungang caves. Wearing a well-decorated kasaya, he has a square-round face, broad shoulders and long earlobes down to his shoulders. On the east and west sides of the main cave are two adjacent chambers, each housing a seated Buddha. Such kind of display of the trikala buddhas is quite unique.

Edit by: Dorothy

CAVE 20 (460-465 A.D.)

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The statue are no longer roofed over due to the collapse of its front wall before the Liao Dynasty. The main images are the trikala buddhas. On the north wall is a statue of seated sakyamuni, 13.7 metres high. This Buddha, with his plump face and broad shoulders, is a typical example of the sculpture art of the Yungang caves. A standing Buddha on the east side looks dignified in a kasaya. The other one on the west side was damaged long time ago.

Edit by: Dorothy


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Cave 39 is one of the largest caves in the western section of the grottoes. There is an entrance in an arched shape, on the inner surface of which is decorated with an acanthus design. On the upper part of each eastern and western walls is an opening used as a window.

All over the four sides of its inner walls can been seen Buddhist statues in line. In the middle of the cave stands a central pillar in a shape of a five-storeyed pagoda. On each side of every story are four columns, in between which is respectively carved a shrine. Inside each shrine is sculpted an image of either a seated Buddha, or two buddhas sitting together, or a Buddha sitting cross-legged.

Edit by: Dorothy

CAVE 17 (460-465 A.D.)

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A cross-legged maitreya, 15.6 metres high, is carved on the north wall, a seated Buddha on the east wall, And a standing Buddha on the west wall, which are generally named “The trikala buddhas”. The offering celestial on the right side of the niche in the west wall is vividly sculpted and gracefully shaped, with a hair-bun on his head, A wide ribbon around his arms, long skirt around his lower body and a lotus bud in his hands. A niche on the east reveal of the window was carved in the 13th year of Taihe's reign.

Edit by: Dorothy

CAVE 18 (460-465 A.D.)

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The main images are the trikala buddhas. The Sakyamuni buddhs, 15.5 metres high on the north wall wears a kasaya with a design of thousand buddhas. His hand,exquisitely carved, holds a corner of his kasaya up to hia chest. The upper section of the east wall is covered with a group of Buddhist disciples, one having keep eye sockets and a high nose with elderly appearance; one being radiant in smile with his mouth corners turning upwards; and other wearing a look of thorough understanding. The vivid expression of every disciple is absolutely wonderful.

Edit by: Dorothy
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